Cleanse Me


Welcome to the Juice Fruits ‘Cleanse Me’! We will give you updated information pertaining to cleansing and ways to enjoy your 1 or even 7 day juice cleanse. Below are some helpful hints to an awesome lifestyle!


Before you begin your cleanse, prepare your body for the journey ahead. Pre-cleansing helps you get the most bang for you buck! Taking time to pre-cleanse can help ease the detoxification symptoms over the first few days and even set you up for a more effective cleanse overall. Believe us, it’s worth it!

Before you begin your cleanse, you must eliminate the following items at least 24hrs prior to starting your cleanse:

Sugar/Alcohol (yes alcohol)/Meat (fish, chicken, pork, & beef)/ salt/ coffee/ Wheat and Bread of all sorts/

Please note that you may reduce these items gradually or simply all at one time. You can also bring back these items slowly into your diet after your cleanse.

1Day Cleanse= $35 (5 12oz bottles)

2Day Cleanse=$70 (10 12oz bottles)

3Day Cleanse=$105 (15 12oz bottles)

4Day Cleanse=$145 (20 12oz bottles)

5Day Cleanse=$180 (25 12oz bottles)

6Day Cleanse=$220 (30 12oz bottles)

7Day Cleanse=$260 (35 12oz bottles)

(prices subject to change)